Roundup: Sale Fares for Flights to Italy

Alitalia has fares starting at $502 roundtrip (including taxes and fees) between U.S. cities and Florence or Rome. Travel between: October 29, 2007 and December 13, 2007 or from January 8 through March 13, 2008. Deadline for booking: September 21. Other requirements: Saturday-night stay; maximum stay is one month. Delta can get you to Pisa this winter for as little …

How to Ship Your Purchases Home from Italy

“You have a lot of luggage, madam,” the hotel concierge in Rome told me on my last trip to Italy. I didn’t think two big suitcases and a smaller bag was a lot, but maybe he was reacting to the face the bellhop was making as he tried to lift one of those suitcases. It was a reminder of a …

Mourning Pavarotti

The great Italian opera singer Luciano Pavarotti succumbed to pancreatic cancer today in his beloved hometown of Modena. The star, who brought opera to the masses, in addition to enjoying massive critical acclaim was 71. I feel privileged to have been there in person at the Opening Ceremonies of the 2006 Winter Olympics when Pavarotti sang his last aria, the …

Holy Planes, Batman! Pope Launches Airline

A Vatican-backed charter airline inaugurated flights this week between Italy and Catholic shrines such as Lourdes, Fatima, Santiago de Compostela and the Holy Land. The Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, an outfit that organizes pilgrimages for the Diocese of Rome, has signed a five-year agreement with Mistral Air, a small airline owned by the private Italian post office. The flights using a …

Italian Wine Harvest Off to Early Start

This summer’s heat wave across Italy hasn’t just been a hundrance to summer travel but could wreak serious havoc with travelers hoping to be in Italy for this year’s wine harvest. The hot weather is forcing Italy’s earliest harvest in decades, and some say decades. “I haven’t heard of such an early harvest since the Council of Trent of 1563,” …

Renting a Car in Italy? Save 5% with Auto Europe

Dream of Italy has partnered with Auto Europe to offer all readers 5% off Auto Europe’s already-low rental rates. Even before I knew anyone at the company, I always rented my cars through Auto Europe. That’s because they always beat everyone else’s rates and they offer 24-hour service. If you’re worried about the weakening dollar, Auto Europe offers the added …

“Oh The Dogs You’ll Meet” in Italy

Yup, that’s my little play on the title of the very popular Dr. Seuss book, Oh The People You’ll Meet. While travel is such an amazing experience to meet new people, for some of us who are certifiably dog-crazy, with a specific diagnosis of suffering from “terrieritis” – sometimes the dogs you meet could be just as interesting. Meet one …

Rome’s Ponte Milvio: New Destination for Lovers

It was no accident that Shakespeare set his most famous love story in Verona, Italy. Love, passion, and romance are embedded in Italian culture, which is probably why so many people fall in love in Il Bel Paese. But unlike the protagonists in Jane Austen’s novels who try to keep their love a secret from everyone, including themselves, Italians take …

Inside The Slippery World of The Olive Oil Biz

creqqThe olive-oil industry may not be as “extra-virgin” as its oil is presumed to be. In fact, much of the oil isn’t even “virgin,” especially if it has been mixed with any less-expensive-to-produce oils such as that from sunflower seeds and some types of nuts. Over the past several decades, this has become quite a big issue in countries like …