
It's the summer and in August many Italians are looking forward to Ferragosto which starts on August 15th. It's known as a two-week vacation period with roots in ancient Rome. When Emperor Augustus invented the feriae Augusti to mark the end harvest he also made it a moment that signified a period of well-deserved rest. Later, during the fascist regime, this ...

Gubbio (Umbria): Lighting of the World’s Largest Christmas Tree

Gubbio Umbria, Italy

Gubbio kicks off the Christmas season and keeps it going with the lighting of the world's largest Christmas Tree (first recorded in 1991 in the Guinness Book of Records). This charming medieval town on Mount Ingino in Umbria is home to the light installation for nearly the entire month of December and into the first week of January. Quite a ...


Cannara: Onion Festival

Cannara Cannara, Perugia, Italy

Cannara, in Umbria, welcomes people to their onion festival! The perfectly sweet onions typical of Cannara are of the red, gold and borrettana varieties. For two weekends in a row locals and tourists can celebrate by partaking in the eating of specialty dishes involving the beloved vegetable. Note: Dates have not yet been confirmed; Please visit event website for updates. ...
