Share Your Dream: Like an Episode of Friends (June/July 2020)

This article originally appeared in the June/July 2020 issue of Dream of Italy. When I dream of Italy, I dream of Francesco’s laughter when his businesslike reserve breaks and he says, “I feel like I’m in an episode of Friends!” Earlier in the day, Francesco told the four of us that he and his wife love this television show and that Joey …

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Share Your Dream: The Castle and Gardens of San Giovanni d’Asso (June/July 2020)

This article originally appeared in the June/July 2020 issue of Dream of Italy. When I dream of Italy, I dream of San Giovanni d’Asso. For those who love to cook, stroll gardens, and enjoy history, this needs to be a stop on your next trip to Tuscany. There’s a castle here that dates back to the 1500s which occupies most of the …

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Share Your Dream: A Memorable Sandwich in Florence (June/July 2020)

This article originally appeared in the June/July 2020 issue of Dream of Italy. When I dream of Italy, I dream of a sandwich…not just any sandwich but the world’s most delicious sandwich. After our morning tour in Florence wrapped up, my husband Carlo and I, along with our daughter Jessica walked the steamy streets taking in all that Florence had to offer. By …

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Share Your Dream: Hiking to Due Sorelle (June/July 2020)

This article originally appeared in the June/July 2020 issue of Dream of Italy. When I dream of Italy, I dream of an unplanned adventure…A good night’s sleep at the Casa di Accoglienza Convent in Loreto followed by a breakfast of bread, apple, and coffee, propel my husband and me into a new day of exploring Le Marche. We head north in …

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Share Your Dream: A Book Lead Us to Sutri (June/July 2020)

This article originally appeared in the June/July 2020 issue of Dream of Italy. When I dream of Italy, I dream of Sutri, a tiny town near Viterbo in Lazio, that I discovered in the book Pasquale’s Nose by Michael Rips. He wrote it in the piazza here. Sutri is an Etruscan town with rows of tombs lining the hills and a …

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Quiet Corners of Capri (April/May 2020)

This article originally appeared in the April/May 2020 issue of Dream of Italy. While Capri is noted for the crowds of travelers it attracts, one thing you will rarely hear about is how many quiet spots there are on the island. Yes, quiet. If you’re staying in Capri town, visit the Giardini di Augusto, Gardens of Augustus (Via Matteotti, 2; open …

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Capri: A Place of Dreams (April/May 2020)

This article originally appeared in the April/May 2020 issue of Dream of Italy. If everything ever written about Capri could be put together, one theme would emerge. Dreams. While Rome intrigues, Florence marvels, and Venice enchants, there is something about Capri that lends itself quite naturally to dreaming. For some it is the tantalizingly blue sea and natural beauty of its gardens, …

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Ristorante Michel’angelo’s Zucchini or Eggplant Parmesan Recipe (April/May 2020)

This article originally appeared in the April/May 2020 issue of Dream of Italy. Gianluca D’Esposito and his Australian-born wife, Holly Star, from Capri’s Ristorante Michel’angelo have shared a family favorite recipe: Capri is a natural paradise and its rich soil and moderate climate makes it perfect to cultivate the fresh ingredients that feature in its traditional cuisine. At Gianluca’s family home, they …

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Find Your Fashion Inspo on Capri (April/May 2020)

This article originally appeared in the April/May 2020 issue of Dream of Italy. Capri is synonymous with fashion and style. At the heart of the island’s design sense is simplicity, comfort and a look that is relaxed and often colorful. In the 1950s, this refreshing sensibility and la dolce vita style appealed to jet set travelers—from movie stars to aristocracy—who came to …

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Diving Into Capri’s Blue Sea (April/May 2020)

This article originally appeared in the April/May 2020 Issue of Dream of Italy. If there’s one thing about Capri that inspires travel dreams, it’s the island’s tempting sea.  Capri’s rocky beaches make up in dramatic beauty what they lack in comfort. To help, there are beach clubs that offer a variety of options from chairs to loungers, with umbrellas usually costing extra. …

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