Italy in America: Patsy’s in New York City

As a magnet for so many Italian immigrants over the years,
New York City is home to an enormous number of Italian restaurants.
On almost every block throughout the five boroughs you will find a northern or southern Italian inspired restaurant or a pizza joint. One among them has catapulted to great fame and stayed there

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Italy in America: Seattle’s Gelaterias

Get the scoop from Dream of Italy on these unique Seattle eateries dedicated to serving up authentic gelato: Gelatiamo and Dolce Vita Gelateria and Italian Cafe.

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Roberto Benigni’s Back With a New Film

Italian actor-filmmaker Roberto Benigni captured the hearts of
the world with his 1997 release of Life is Beautiful (La Vita é Bella). Following the widespread success of his heartbreaking portrait of the holocaust, Benigni is back with a love story set against the bleak and tumultuous backdrop of war-torn Iraq - La Tigre e la Neve (The Tiger and the Snow).

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Buon Ricordo: Good Memories Begin With the Plates

Interested in collecting plates, or just eating off of them? You can collect these plates as you eat at various restaurants in Italy. Read on for more details on this unique hobby.

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Give the Gift of Italy: A Guide for the Holidays

Read on for Italian Gift Suggestions for the holidays from our seasoned travellers and expert Italophiles, including :Good Reads, Music, Stationary, Wines, Beauty Products, and even Subscriptions.

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Rome, the Television Series

Come next year, Italy will be just a button- click away. Bring ancient Rome into your home every week with HBO and BBC's series "Rome."

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Italy in America: Providence’s Atwells Avenue

Craving a taste of Italy but can't make the trip? We have just the thing. Eat your way through Providence, Rhode Island's "Little Italy," also known as "Colletta" and "Federal Hill." Read on for details on how you can enjoy this unique restaurant.

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Italy in America: Philly’s Tomato Base

Craving a taste of Italy--but close to home? Don't miss being able to pick your favorite butchers, winemakers, and cheese sellers at this authentic Philadephia Ninth Street Italian Market. Read on for the scoop.

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Italy in America: Boston’s Pizzeria Regina

Craving a taste of Italy but can't make the trip? Boston's North End is home to the oldest continuously operating pizza parlor--and it lives up to all the hype. Read on for our writers reviews and more.

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Italy in America: Washington, D.C.’s 2 Amys

Queen Margherita of Italy might roll over in her grave if she knew how far the world had deviated from the pizza named in her honor in the late 19th century. D.C. welcomes the 5th American pizzeria to offer Neapolitan slices certified by The Verace Pizza Napoletana Association.

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