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Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Italy

Unnamed Venue Bologna

Lace up those running shoes, get that last swig of water and be sure to get a good stretch in; the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure is on again. The Italian branch of the organization hosts a series of events and workshops promoting good health and exercise leading up to a big race in efforts to raise money ...


Cremona: Cremona Musica International Exhibitions and Festival

Cremona Piazza del Comune 5, Cremona

Located near the Po River in the beautiful region of Lombardy, sits the charming city of Cremona. Home to the Violin Museum and birthplace of the best violin makers, this city is renowned worldwide for its techniques in violin making. It is also home to the annual International Exhibition, the best of its kind, for high-quality instruments. Here, guests can ...
