The Three Tomatoes is a free weekly e-newsletter written for “women who aren’t kids.” It’s the New York City insider’s guide to living, playing, and having fun in and out of New York City. If you’re a woman who has no desire to be a kid, but still wants to look great, feel great and have ball, then you’ll love …
Get Thee to a Nunnery – Staying in Roman Convents
Ever thought about staying in a convent in Rome? Our intrepid reporter Susan Van Allen finds out what it is really like to stay at several Roman convents and why it is an excellent and affordable alternative to hotels.
Simple Pursuits in the Mountains of Sicily
Here we let you in on the details of two lesser known mountatin towns outside of Palermo, Sicily. They offer visitors a chance to enjoy simple Sicilian pleasures and an agriturismo or two.
Adventures in Italy’s Veneto Region
It is no wonder that the Italia region of Veneto has Italy's fastest growing tourism industry; more and more of us are just discovering its wonders. Read on to discover the treasures of this region.
Spend the Night in Ischia’s Most Famous Landmark
The most striking landmark on Ischia is
Castello Aragonese, a fortress emerging from a
rocky islet that in various incarnations has been part of the island's history.
for thousands of years.
Hop on the Val d’Orcia’s Wine Train (July/August 2007)
The newest innovation in Tuscan wine
tourism is the Treno del Vino, which
began service this summer between Siena
and the Torrenieri-Montalcino train station,
which has been refurbished into the "Wine
New Bridge in Venice (July/August 2007)
For the first time in some 70 years, a new bridge is being built over Venice's Grand Canal. This steel bridge designed by Spanish born architect Santiago Calatrave will connect the train station to Piazzale Rome.
Gubbio: “Real Made in Italy” Tour
The folks at Four Corners Travel have developed a unique tour that's perfect for architects,interior designers, buyers, wholesalers
and artists, or anyone who wants to see Italian craftsmanship at its finest.
Find Your Inner Gladiator at the Rome Cavalieri Hilton
Already seen the Vatican and the Pantheon? When in Rome, do as the ancient Romans did.The luxurious Rome Cavalieri Hilton is now offering extremely historically accurate gladiator training.
The Heat Is on for Italian Winemakers
This summer's heat wave
across Italy hasn't just been a
hindrance to summer travel
but could wreak serious havoc with
travelers hoping to be in Italy for this
year's wine harvest (vendemmia).