News and Notes on World Cup Victory Celebrations

Once again, my friend Joe, another confirmed Italophile, reports in on what’s going on in Italy — and what else could it be this week, but the celebrations surrounding Italy’s World Cup win: Telegiornale 2 says 600,000 people were at the party at Circo Massimo on Monday evening. Best sign I saw in the crowd: Cannavaro Santo Subito. Cannavero is …

Italy’s Nationwide Taxi Strike Called Off

Travelers in Italy will be very glad to hear that the general strike scheduled by the taxi drivers’ union to take place tomorrow, Tuesday, July 11th, has now been called off. The general strike’s coming has been foreshadowed for over a week by a number of wildcat strikes. Drivers have been causing turmoil all over Italy, as their interruption of …

Update: Capri Strikes

I just contacted a friend in Italy who reports that things in Capri are just about back to normal, except for some of the ferry service: Yes, Caremar has decided to reduce their services to the islands but things are being discussed at local government. I just got back from a week stay from July 1st and everything is running …

Travel Alert: Island of Capri in Chaos Over Strike

The perennially popular vacation spot, the island of Capri usually calls to mind images of breathtaking beaches, isolated inlets, cozy restaurants and bars with beautiful sea views to enjoy over a glass of wine on tranquil afternoons. This year, however, Capri is not only serene, but silent. To protest cuts in the local ferry service, islanders have gone on strike, …

Travel Alert: Italian Taxi Drivers to Strike

Travelers’ plans will be hindered next week due to a nation-wide taxi drivers’ strike in Italy. The strike is the drivers’ opposition to a new initiative of Prime Minister Romano Prodi’s center-left government. In an effort to revitalize the sluggish Italian economy, the government is making moves to liberalize some of Italy’s most protected industries, including taxis, pharmacies and law …

Vatican Reopens Missionary Museum

As a part of their 500 year celebrations, the Vatican on June 21st reopened its Ethnological Missionary Museum after an extensive, five-year renovation project. The museum is organized into four main sections, devoted to Asia, Oceania, Africa, and America, with smaller subdivisions within each sector featuring displays devoted to specific countries and their religious practices. The Asia section is the …

Volcano Discovered Off Sicilian Coast

Sicily is always full of surprises. Last week, an immense underwater volcano was discovered just 30 meters off of Sicily’s southern coast, near the city of Sciacca. The volcano was discovered by an oceanographic team who was attempting to study the mysterious island of Ferdinandea , which appeared off the coast of Sicily in 1831, only to disappear within the …

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Finding an Italian Cooking School

This is an excerpt from the July/August 2004 issue of Dream of Italy: So you want to attend a recreational cooking school during your next visit to Italy. Where do you begin? On the Web, of course. Try one of the following sites: Marlene Iaciofano’s Gourmet Getaways site features her own cooking tours as well as detailed information on …