How to Apply For the New Digital Nomad Visa to Live in Italy

Excellent news for those who want to make their dream of living in Italy come true! The long-awaited Digital Nomad Visa for Italy is now available for for “highly skilled professionals” like tech workers and people who work remotely and online. What do they mean by “highly-skilled”? You must have a university or college degree from an accredited school, an accredited professional license or accredited professional experience.

Applicants must show proof of at least six months experience in their current industry and yearly income over 28,000 euros. Income can come from multiple sources like rental income or royalties, but specifics on income requirements can vary from consulate to consulate, who make the final decision on approving the visa. 

Health insurance is necessary to obtain the visa, but should you not have U.S. health insurance, there are affordable options to obtain Italian coverage at varying price points including public and private options. Applicants must have a clean criminal record and proof of residence in Italy for six months after their planned arrival. It is not required to file a travel ticket booked when you apply for the visa (if you have one you may declare it), but rather you can state your expected departure date.

To apply for Italy’s Digital Nomad Visa, you must make an appointment at the Italian consulate that covers your jurisdiction (here is a list of consulates in the United States), and please note, in most situations you may not apply from Italy. There are some acceptions for people who already have a valid permesso di soggiorno (permit to stay). If you can’t find an appointment on the Prenotami system, we hear it is best to check at 6pm ET which is midnight Italy time when the system is reset and cancellations from the day are opened. 

There is about a 30 to 90-day wait for the processing of your visa, but appointments at the consulates are sometimes hard to come by with waits already standing between two and four months. Please note it is possible to apply by mail at some consulates. From the consulates’ websites, you can find the forms to bring to your appointment or mail in. Please also note that you must leave your passport with the consulate from the filing process to the day the visa is issued.

The Digital Nomad Visa lasts 365 days from the start date which is likely your date of arrival. Within eight days of your arrival in Italy, you must still apply for a Permesso di Soggiorno, a “permit to stay.” Once you get the permit, you should also receive a tax code (codice fiscale) which is useful for obtaining property contracts and some private health insurance for example. You will also need to register with the government of the Italian municipality you will call home for your stay. At these appointments in Italy, you will need copies of all the required documentation from your consulate visits. The fee for applying for the Digital Nomad Visa is 116€, to be paid at the consulate.

While this legislature is an exciting step towards the possibility of extended stays and working abroad in Italy, the requirements do vary from consulate to consulate and should be looked at on a case-by-case basis. As information becomes available, we will keep you in the loop.

Our friends at Studio Legale Metta are well-versed in the rules and regulations of this visa and update their website with the latest information released from the Italian government and consulates.

— Danielle Abbazia

Don’t miss our our next Virtual Workshop – Everything You Need to Know to Apply for Italy’s Digital Nomad Visa with Attorney Nick Metta – this workshop will be held June 4 and is free for  Dream of Italy so JOIN TODAY to get your invite to attend and get your questions answered!

Want to learn more about living in Italy and other visa options? Get a signed copy of Kathy McCabe’s book Dream of Italy: Travel, Transform and Thrive