And I’ve been looking for some elegant Italian language note cards, so along with my designer Karen, created them myself! This set of 6 note cards/greeting cards with Italian sayings on the front, blank inside and English translation on back. The 5.5″ x 4.25″ cards are printed on beautiful natural colored paper and come with envelopes.
Here are the cards included:
In bocca al lupo – Good luck
Tante belle cose – I wish you many beautiful things
Buon viaggio – Have a good trip
Auguri di buon compleanno – Happy birthday
Grazie mille – Thank you
Ti voglio bene – I care for you so much
Order your cards here OR the cards are our new membership bonus if you join Dream of Italy or renew your membership! If you’d prefer to order on the phone, call our office at 202-297-3708. — Kathy McCabe