This article originally appeared in the June/July 2020 issue of Dream of Italy.
When I dream of Italy, I dream of the moment I wanted to learn more about the wonderful world of wine. My parents had recently passed away, almost five months apart. My sister was living in London at the time and I decided to go and visit for a while after taking a leave of absence from my job.
I worked at the LCBO which stands for Liquor Control Board of Ontario. It is our government run liquor stores in Toronto, Canada. Now, while I could sell wine I most certainly wasn’t a fan. I could sell because I had taken and passed all three levels of the product knowledge courses required for all employees. Yes indeed, I could talk up a good storm. I had memorized everything! Fake it ‘til you make it! But did I really know what I was talking about? I knew I could repeat!
From London, I wanted to explore Europe and had always yearned to go to Italy, so started there. The last thing I was interested in doing was being reminded of my job back home.
You can grow grapes in the mountains.They are protected from inclement weather because they are cradled within these beautiful mountains that has captured the warmth of the sun in its bosom. I will never forget this day. It changed my life forever. My world experience opened up in a way I never expected. I am now a certified sommelier and member of the International Sommelier Guild.
— Jacqueline Corrigan