We are thrilled to be launching the Dream of Italy Podcast this spring! And our very first guest is an extraordinary Italophile, Frances Mayes, the author of Under The Tuscan Sun. As you may know, we also filmed a PBS special with Frances that will premiere this summer. We are releasing this first podcast episode now, but only for our members! Join Dream of Italy today and you will receive a link to listen to this 36-minute podcast episode that is just packed with advice about traveling to and moving to Italy, second (and third and fourth) acts in life, writing and more. Here’s what you will learn when listening to Frances on the podcast:
- what Frances really thinks of all the visitors who come to visit the outside of her villa Bramasole
- what is the one thing you must have if you move to Italy
- why Tuscany might be the perfect place to retire (and how it inspired her novel Women in Sunlight)
- where she would live in Italy if she couldn’t live in Cortona
- why Italy gives us a sense of being at home in the world
- why splitting her time between Tuscany and North Carolina is like being married to two husbands
- how she writes and how her villa Bramasole has helped her give birth to nine books
- what inspired her to write two travel book about the entire boot – See You In The Piazza coming out in 2019 and The Best of Italy coming out in 2020
- where you can visit in Tuscany that remains undiscovered
- where Frances thinks you should eat when you visit Cortona
- what makes her husband Ed (he was in the book) the perfect partner for her adventures in Italy
- why you MUST get your hair done and visit the local enoteca in every place you visit