Do you love reading about travel to Italy? Want to keep up with the latest Italy travel news? Love your Kindle? Well, now you can enjoy all of your passions at once! This blog, the Dream of Italy Travel Blog, is now available on your Kindle Reader!
So all of our posts will be delivered to your Kindle and you can read them at your leisure. You can enjoy the blog or free for 14 days, after that its is 99 cents a month to receive all of the content on this blog on your Kindle. (Note: This won’t give you full access to our paid newsletter which is currently only available in print/online via subscription on our main site.)
Kindle blogs are fully downloaded onto your Kindle so you can read them even when you’re not wirelessly connected. And unlike RSS readers which often only provide headlines, blogs on Kindle give you full text content and images, and are updated wirelessly throughout the day.