GJ957 (JFK-ROME) Sep. 13,14,19,20,21,23,26,27,28 • Oct. 3,5,10,12,17,19,24,31
GJ956 (ROME-JFK) Sep. 16,20,26,28 • Oct. 3,10,12,17,19,24,26
GJ941 (JFK-NAPLES) Sep. 15,24,26 • Oct. 6,10,17
GJ940 (NAPLES-JFK) Oct. 7 GJ933 (JFK-PALERMO) Sep. 28 • Oct. 5,12,19,26
GJ932 (PALERMO-JFK) Oct. 20 GJ929 (JFK-BOLOGNA) Sep. 18,20,27 • Oct. 2, 4, 9, 16,18,21,25,28
GJ928 (BOLOGNA-JFK) Sep. 26 • Oct. 3,17,19,24
LATEST UPDATE: According to one of my subscribers who just purchased tickets at 5 p.m. ET on Tuesday, the sale is now live on the Eurofly Web site.
UPDATE: Talked to a very reliable source… All of the details that Frommer notes are correct — and the deal will be on the Eurofly Web site. During the three-day sale, Eurofly will not be charging the usual $320 per person in extra fuel charges!
I’m trying to confirm the details but there’s little doubt the great Arthur Frommer could be wrong. He’s got exclusive word that later this week Eurofly will be offering $399 roundtrip fares between the U.S. and Italy with NO FUEL SURCHARGE. $399 total for roundtrip travel in September and October.
According to Frommer, “If you phone Eurofly no earlier than Wednesday, September 10, you’ll discover that on the three days from Wednesday through Friday of this week, September 10 to 12, Eurofly will be selling round-trip flights in September and October between New York and either Rome, Naples, Palermo, or Bologna, for the exceptional price of only $399 per person, including fuel surcharge. In other words, while other people are paying $1,100 and more, plus fuel surcharge, to fly between the U.S. and Italy, you’ll be paying only $399, including fuel surcharge.”
Eurofly’s phone number is (800) 459-0581.
I’m thinking of buying tickets myself as I’m tempted to go to Slow Food’s Salone del Gusto in one of my favorite cities, Torino!