There’s a new dining option in Tuscany and you will have to submit to a background check and receive a security clearance to get a reservation. The 500-year old Fortezza Medicea in Volterra — a high-security prison — invites the public to eat at its prison restaurant, reports Budget Travel Magazine.
“In a cavernous space filled with simple wooden tables and benches, guards stand watch as sommelier Santolo, who’s serving 24 years for murder, pours Chianti. In the kitchen, chefs Massimo and Giuseppe prepare mini frittatas served with fennel crisps, nonna Catozza (baked vegetables in a bread bowl), gnocchi with a fava bean purée, and a thick cheesecake garnished with chocolate. They also happen to be doing time for armed robbery and murder,” writes Andrea Thompson.
Dinner costs about $34 per person and it takes about two months to secure a reservation. For more information, call (39) 058 886099 or visit