A Vatican-backed charter airline inaugurated flights this week between Italy and Catholic shrines such as Lourdes, Fatima, Santiago de Compostela and the Holy Land. The Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, an outfit that organizes pilgrimages for the Diocese of Rome, has signed a five-year agreement with Mistral Air, a small airline owned by the private Italian post office. The flights using a Boeing 737-300 leave from seven Italian airports, including Rome and Verona. Pilgrims will enjoy religious videos while onboard and their seats are covered with religious inscriptions such as “I search for Your face, Lord.”
Rev. Caesar Atuire, CEO for the Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi told the Associated Press, “We want to create the conditions to enable pilgrims to live their pilgrimage starting at their city’s airport and even before they arrive at their destinations.”