Have you ever wondered what’s inside Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome? Well now is your chance to take a stroll inside the enormous walls to see for yourself. According to the L.A. Times, “Through Aug. 26, 2007, visitors will be offered nighttime guided tours of the prison built in the fort’s cellars by Pope Alexander VI in 1503, stepping through darkened cells and an infamous courtroom where death sentences were handed down.” The historic landmark was originally constructed as a royal tomb for the Roman Emporer Hadrian in the 1st century and was later used as a Papal dungeon “where popes of old locked up criminals and enemies.” It had been under construction for the past 10 years and will now open its gates to the public, if only for a brief period of time, so don’t miss your chance! Tickets are $16.50, and you can either buy your tickets online at http://www.castelsantangelo.com/ or at the entrance. — Laura Cimperman