Described as “the most glamorous fashion show of all time” by actress Sarah Jessica Parker, Italian fashion designer Valentino celebrated 45-years of fashion design at a gala held in Rome over the weekend. According to The Guardian, “The retrospective, featuring the best gowns from almost half a century, was a hard act to follow, but the presentation of Valentino’s latest collection on Saturday provided yet more examples of the designer’s best tricks: the precise nip of a waisted jacket, the opulence of a dress rustling with jet beads and trimmed with ostrich feathers.”
Rome’s mayor was supportive of allowing Valentino’s celebrations to take place at such historic venues as the Galleria Borghese. Among the 1,000 guests attending the lavish events were supermodels and actresses including Claudia Schiffer, Marisa Berenson, Sienna Miller and Joan Collins. Even attendees not involved in the world of fashion design must have been star-struck by the guest list, which included designers Giorgio Armani, Tom Ford, Philip Treacy, Karl Lagerfeld and Donatella Versace, just to name a few. Click here or here to see more photos of Valentino and attendees. — Laura Cimperman