Italy Events Calendar – Verona Opera Under the Stars
In honor of the launch of our new Italy online events calendar, I’d like to tell you about my favorite summer event – taking in an opera under the stars at the Arena di Verona. It is a must for any opera lover. The Roman amphitheater which holds 22,000 people is the best preserved structure of its kind. Almost every night during the summer, spectators sit under the stars, holding small candles, continuing a tradition started by the ancient Romans. Not only is the amphitheater larger than life, but so too are the sets and special effects as well as the glorious voices of some of the world’s best opera singers. The acoustics are perfect. I saw Nabucco a few years back and it is being performed again this summer. Useful bit of advice: Use the bathroom before entering the arena as its facilities are primitive – at least the were the last time I was there.
Hotel Tip: During opera season, it may be difficult to get a hotel reservation in Verona, but it’s not impossible. Instead of checking with each hotel, go directly to Cooperativa Albergatori Veronesi, an excellent and efficient booking service representing 50 Verona hotels. Tel: (39) 045 800-9844
See more events at our new, free online Italy events calendar.